With an estimated 3000 adoption agencies in the United States, finding the right one for you can be overwhelming. One key factor that you should consider is where the adoption agency is located.

Adoption Agency Near Me

When you’re looking for a coffee shop or new hair salon, you’re probably using the term “near me” when you do a Google search – because convenience is important. The same should apply in searching for an adoption agency, but for a few different reasons.

Personal Attention

The adoption process can be incredibly emotional and it’s crucial to have all the support you can get. An adoption counselor with an office near you will be able to provide in-person counseling sessions, which can be more effective and build a stronger relationship. Having an office near you also means you’ll be able to meet in a safe, private space to discuss your options and process your feelings about adoption.

Local Resources

If you’re pregnant and making an adoption plan, working with a local adoption agency may mean better access to local resources. The counselors have most likely already know doctors that will take your insurance and be familiar with local hospital’s procedures. They will also often have connections with local social services if you need assistance the adoption agency is not able to provide.

Staying Connected in an Open Adoption

One of the best aspects of open adoption can be the relationship that blooms between the birth family and adoptive family. Many adoption agencies work primarily with expectant and adoptive parents that live in their area – so when you work with a local adoption agency, you have a better chance of connecting with an expectant parent or adoptive family that lives near you. If both parties in the adoption want to include visits as part of the open adoption plan, living in the same area can make things much easier.


Whether you’re just beginning to explore the idea of adoption, or you’re ready to start the adoption process, the first step is finding an agency that meets your needs. Adoption Advocates has offices in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio and our counselors are ready to meet with you.

If you are pregnant and there is not an adoption agency near you, don’t worry. Our counselors work with clients all over Texas and are happy to come to you, wherever you are. Just give us a call at (512) 477-1122 or text (512) 656-5560 to get started.

Request a Free Guide to Making an Adoption Plan

Considering placing your baby up for adoption? Learn what to expect with the adoption process, plus get answers to the 10 most common questions from expectant parents.

Are you pregnant or considering placing a child under the age of three.(Required)