Meet the Team: Jenny Fouilloud-Hofmann, LCSW

July 1, 2021

Meet Jenny! Jenny joined Adoption Advocates in 2019 as an Adoption Services Coordinator and primarily works with adoptive parents. Jenny brings unmatched compassion and support that she has gained through more than 15 years of working with children and families in difficult situations.

Adoption Advocates adoption specialist Jenny, skiing with her husband.

What do you do in your role?
Guide and support both adoptive parents and expectant parents through their adoption journeys with AAI.

What inspired you to work in adoption? 
Laura Ratzel – another AAI adoption coordinator – called me. LOL!

I have worked with children and families since 2004, in a variety of roles, from counseling children survivors of sexual abuse and their non-offending family members, being their advocate, counseling children witness of domestic violence, conducting parenting classes, running children support groups, to responding to crisis situations. I have dedicated my career to helping children and their families navigate loss and grief, trauma, anxiety, relationships and life’s difficult moments.

What would you say is the most rewarding part of your job? 
Making a difference in a complicated and difficult process. Helping families.

What is the most challenging part of your job? 
Loss and grief in adoption.

What advice would you give birth parents who are about to begin their adoption journey? 
It is so important to find the support that you need. Ask questions to get lots of information on your options!

What advice would you give adoptive parents who are about to begin their adoption journey? 
Get as much information on open adoption as possible, connect with other adoptive parents who have an open adoption, attend AAI seminar with birth mother panel.

What can clients expect when they work with you? 
Support, empathy, honesty, transparency.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Enjoying the outdoors, time spent with my family, art, yoga, and studying Mindfulness.

What is your favorite quote?
“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”  ― Maya Angelou

Do you have any hidden talents?
I love making simple every day moments the most exciting thing ever. LOL!

Do you have any pets? 
4 rescues:  2 cats and 2 dogs who we love to pieces – our family members too.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My family and chocolate.